Friday, November 11, 2011

The invisible "ME" inside of me

It's been a while since I wrote something, but I've started to get this urge to write, since I've been observing things happening around me for quite a while, without saying anything about those things, so it was about time to get back to writing.

Anyways, What I want to get off my chest mainly is about "People's attitude" and those people are not just any people, they're the closest-best-friends sort of people.

Usually someone's attitude ought to be based on how you treat them, coz it's an action followed by a reaction, but here in this case it's quiet different, coz there is no action, there is no negative treatment, but there's a negative attitude and a negative reaction! To be more specific; things happen this way...

The so called friends face a certain problem, so automatically they turn to you to help solve it, since you are supposedly their closest person. So, you do your very best to help them, you stand beside them through bad before good, coz guess what? They don't show up in their good! They forget about you coz duh! Their life is perfect so why need you!

Even worse, when you find out that their problems were magically solved, and you were the last to find out, they immediately come up with a lie that things aren't good at all and that there are still problems to come!
They magically switch the good thing that supposedly happened to them without sharing it with you into another problem that could curse them at any point.

So instead of making you feel upset for not telling you about their good news, they make you feel even more upset coz they are still facing problems of the unknown!

The best part is yet to come; why bother yourself with such fake people right?? And a simple solution would be to distant yourself from them to avoid any negativity... Well, that too didn't quiet work well! Coz when you distant yourself from them, they don't just simply let you go...No!!! Hell No!!! They turn each and every common friend against you, telling stories of how bad you are for abandoning them when they needed you the most, and how you have been ignoring them!

A simple rule in life: People only remember the bad things you do, and forget all the good stuff you've been doing all your life. So, if you're a total angel but did this one thing that they don't like, beware coz your title is now "Satan".

Even if you try to stand up against your so called friends, and face them with all their bad deeds, some how, they will magically flip the table against you, and you'll end up being the bad friend anyways. So, either ways, people cause negativity and you suck it all in with or without your contempt. 

إحنا رجل كرسى


حاول كده ثانية تركز على كرسى وفسر كل حته فيه و ركز فى قصة حياته، هتلاقى انه فيه شبه كبير قوى منك ومن حياتك. بس مش الكرسى كله على بعضه، لأ.... هى بس حته منه حسب انت مين و دورك إيه فى المجتمع اللى حواليك.

أنا مين؟

سؤال محير جداً و إستهلك مجهود عقبال ما توصلت لوجه الشبه المخيف بيني وبين الكرسى... أنا كرسى... لأ... كلنا كرسى!

نظرية رجل الكرسى...

 الحياه و المجتمع اللى حوالينا بيجبرنا على آداء دور معين فى حياتنا اليوميه وهو ده اللى بيكون شخصيتنا و بيعرفنا.
وبعد تمعن كثير و ملاحظه دقيقه توصلت إلى أن معظمنا للأسف...

رجل كرسى

هى المحور الأساسى للكرسى، يعنى من غيرها ما فيش كرسى أصلاً علشان هى اللى شايله الكرسى اللى كل الناس بتقعد عليه... سواء كانت إنتهازيه أو منافقه أو بتحور أو بتكذب أو... أو... أياً كانت فهى سلبيه و مجرد جلوسها على الكرسى بينشر هذه الطاقه الكئيبه للكرسى المسكين.

عمرك شكرت الكرسى عند جلوسك عليه؟

أكيد لأ، عارف ليه؟ لأنك ناكر للجميل و غير مقدر للشئ إلا فى حاله واحده فقط: انك متلاقيش كرسى.

رجل الكرسى مرت بناس كثيره اللى قعد وربع رجله واللى قعد ودلدلها، واللى هراها خبط واللى اعتبرها مرجيحه وتمايل بيها، ورغم كل ده بتظل هى الأقوى لأنها الأساس، رغم عدم التقدير و التقليل منها و رغم كل معانات رجل الكرسى اليوميه...

علشان إحنا طيبين... إحنا رجل كرسى...